waaaaay more than 2 months !!!

9/05/2009 01:31:00 AM / / comments (3)

time to remove all the dust that covered this place !!!

Hi people (^^)/, it's been ages since the last post...I've been busy with "nothing" and almost forgot about my blog page, now I'm trying to catch up with life :p...so let's start...

Congratulations to all Tawjihi students ^^
Congratulations to all university students ^^
Special Congratulations to JUST students......we are always "the last man standing" in exams :p
Happy birthday to whomever I missed
Ramadan Kareem
Congratulations to all nihongo students from all levels on passing the exams and thank you for the wonderful party :)

I've finally finished my struggle with the exams and classes in JUST ^^ in 24/8/2009 at exactly 12:13 pm, too bad the doctor didn't allow me to take a picture of that moment.....all is left now is the project and Training in the next semester

I was having some problems with my internet connection during the last week "a bit better now ---> only 4 disconnections while I was writing this post", which gave me some time to experience some other pleasures than "megaten" xD such as Prototype, Guitar Hero : World Tour and Street fighter IV...Look forward for the coming posts for more info on those work of art games

on the anime side...Naruto is still in the -dropped- list, any opinions/advices are accepted on that subject, also I partially dropped Bleach " I really hate meaningless fillers"
on the other hand I'm catching up with one piece...this show always makes me like this "o.o",always unpredictable,funny,surprising,laid back,serious,nonstop action... it's always getting better and better I'm at eps 399 now....I cant imagine life without one piece !!
I'm still way behind in FMA and DB kai though D:

Time for a pre-sohour snack :p
take care people :)